Dinawan Energy Hub


A hybrid wind, solar and battery storage energy hub would enable reliable, clean power to be dispatched to the National Electricity Market, offsetting the generation and carbon emission from ageing fossil fuel generators in NSW.

The Dinawan Energy Hub is a ~2 gigawatt (GW) proposed hybrid wind, solar and storage project located in the Riverina region in New South Wales, in the heart of the South-West Renewable Energy Zone and on the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people and several smaller nations of the Murrumbidgee plains.

The proposed Energy Hub would create more than 1,000 jobs during construction, and would have up to 200 wind turbines and 1.7 million solar modules, potentially providing enough clean, reliable energy to power over a million Australian homes annually.

Development assessment

Houses powered annually:
~ 1 million*

Emission offset annually:
~ 4.7 million tonnes CO₂**

Riverina, NSW
Traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people and several smaller nations of the Murrumbidgee plains

*Based on household consumption of 6MWh per annum

** Based on capacity of 2 GW and emission factor of 0.77 tCO2e

Generation capacity:
Wind farm: ~1,200 megawatts
Solar farm: ~800 megawatts (alternate current)

Battery energy storage:
~300 megawatts
(or 600MWh over 2 hours)

Investigation area:
43,324 hectares

Generation units:
~ Up to 200 wind turbines
~ Up to 1.7 million solar modules


The proposed project is being developed by Spark Renewables, one of Australia’s leading developers and long-term owners of renewable energy generation assets. Read more about us and our team.


Dinawan Energy Hub is located about halfway between Coleambally and Jerilderie on the land of the traditional owners of Wiradjuri people and several smaller nations of the Murrumbidgee plains in the NSW South-West Renewable Energy Zone.

The investigation area was prepared to avoid woodlands of the weeping myall (boree) woodland, which is a protected species. The investigation area for the wind farm is 38,824 hectares with the overall wind farm footprint expected to be 1-2% of this area, and the investigation area for the solar farm is 4,500 hectares.

The project is on the route of the EnergyConnect interconnector, which will run between Robertstown, South Australia and Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. The project is strategically positioned to support the network as well as the proposed HumeLink and VNI West interconnectors.



Sharing the benefits of the Dinawan Energy Hub

Spark Renewables proudly supports the communities where our projects are developed. Our focus is to create lasting, positive change that supports the needs of each community.

Funding provided from the Dinawan Energy Hub:

In order to start sharing benefits of the project with the hosting community, Spark Renewables is providing $20,000 of grants to community projects through a Pilot Grant Program in 2024. This builds on $30,000 of sponsorships already provided to the surrounding community. Spark Renewables intends to transition the Pilot Grant Program into an annual community benefits program for the life of the Dinawan Energy Hub once the project commences construction.

Spark Renewables seeks to share the benefits of the Dinawan Energy Hub and foster community collaboration with communities closest to the project during development – focusing on initiatives that benefit the areas within 55 kilometres of the proposed project area, which includes Coleambally, Jerilderie or Darlington Point. Read more here.

Benefit sharing workshops

Spark Renewables held workshops to exchange ideas on benefit sharing options with community members and organisations at Coleambally, Darlington Point, and Jerilderie.



To receive regular updates about the project, please subscribe here.


Project status: response to EIS submissions

The proposed Dinawan Energy Hub is considered State Significant Development under NSW planning legislation. The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) will assess the development application documents and the consent authority will be the Minister for Planning or the Independent Planning Commission.

Scoping Reports for the Dinawan Solar Farm and for the Dinawan Wind Farm were lodged with the DPHI in November 2022. The Scoping Reports outline the proposed project in more detail and identify important issues that will require further assessment, consultation and technical studies. The DPHI issued its requirements, known as Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) on 14 December 2022. The SEARs are addressed in a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for each project. These documents can be viewed on the DPHI Major Projects website by searching for "Dinawan Solar Farm" and "Dinawan Wind Farm".

The EIS for the Dinawan Solar Farm was submitted in November 2023 and was on public exhibition in December 2023. The exhibition phase is a crucial step in the planning approval and assessment process, providing an opportunity for the community to examine comprehensive project plans and share their feedback by making submissions. Response to Submissions was completed and submitted in September 2024

Formal NSW planning process

Wind farm
Solar farm
Proposal announced ✓

To industry, government and community

Scoping reports ✓

Community consultation and preliminary technical studies 

SEARs issued ✓

Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements

EIS preparation ✓

Community engagement and technical studies to inform the EIS and SIA

EIS submission and exhibition ✓

Public exhibition for agency and community comment

Response to submissions

Addressing comments and issues raised about the EIS in a "Response to Submissions" report

Assessing the proposal

Assessment by the DPHI


The Minister for Planning or the Independent Planning Commission decides the proposal

Community consultation

As part of the planning and development process, we are undertaking extensive consultation with the community, stakeholders and Traditional Custodians of the land. The consultation will take place via community drop-in sessions, community briefings, surveys, one-on-one meetings, newsletters, our project website, and social media. We encourage all stakeholders and community members to get involved. Find out more and have your say:

  • Sign up to newsletters.
  • Request a one-on-one meeting or call.
  • Provide feedback via surveys.

Questions & complaints


If you have questions, feedback or complaints, please leave a message at 1300 271 419 to speak to one of the Spark Renewables team or email info@dinawanenergyhub.com.


Local procurement and jobs

We prioritise the local procurement of goods and services and engagement and training of local workers wherever possible. We expect more than 1,000 jobs to be created during the construction phase, with between 50-100 when the Dinawan Energy Hub is operational.

Sustainable farming

Dinawan Energy Hub will support sustainable farming by diversifying farmers’ incomes and supporting grazing opportunities across the project site. The project design will support the productivity of the land through co-existence of wind turbines and solar panels with farming. This will be done via design innovations to allow sheep to co-graze on the solar farm land.

Community Benefit Sharing

We believe in sharing the benefits of our projects with the communities we operate in. To do this, we will establish a Community Benefit Sharing Program. We have heard different ideas for what this could include, such as electricity discount schemes, improved telecommunications, a community solar farm, upgraded community club facilities and improved health services. We are keen to hear any ideas from community members as the community benefit scheme is developed.

First Nations Participation Plan

We are committed to working with the Traditional Custodians of the land to ensure the project minimises heritage impacts whilst maximising opportunities for education, training and employment. We will set goals as part of an Industry and First Nations Participation Plan.


Step 1 - complete

Project identification ✔


Step 2 - complete

Initiate community consultation and preliminary studies ✔



Step 3 - complete

Environmental Impact Statement ✔



Step 4 - in progress

Development assessment & consent



Step 5

Final investment decision



Step 6



2027 onwards

Step 7


2027 onwards